Moving clinical wastes around a hospital

As far as I know, all but one waste chute have been removed from UK hospitals, first boarded up and then demolished during a later refurbishment or rebuild.  They were terrible, often blocked as wastes catch on obstructions generally due to defects or misuse, and blowing organisms throughout the building as waste movement sets up an effective bellows action. And with wet wastes, inappropriately packaged and unsuitable for disposal via chute, the smearing and staining of the chute walls foretells of the pool of goo and gore that would be found at the lowest level.

Wastes are still frequently badly packaged, but moved by hand to a closed waste cart which can be wheeled along corridors and into a goods lift if collected on an upper floor. That works well and presents generally few problems, so it was a surprise to find an advertisement for a dumbwaiter intended for healthcare and other wastes.

Intuitively, I cannot consider this as at all appropriate; I am reminded of the horrors of waste chutes but if properly constructed and maintained, and properly used to receive only packaged waste in purpose designed secondary containers, why not?








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