Penalty for dumping used needle “grossly inadequate”

Dumping used needles, in playgrounds, parks, alleyways or wherever puts lives at risk, generates fear among communities and lowers property values. In every way, it is unacceptable behavior.

“A Wollongong magistrate has described as “grossly inadequate” the fine he was forced to impose on a drug addict who dumped a used needle which ultimately pricked a child in a playground.

“Magistrate Ian Guy yesterday said he would ask the Attorney-General’s Department to consider a legislative review because the only punishment available to him was a maximum $3300 fine (about £2,100).

A young child who was trying to have some fun ends up with a needlestick injury,” Mr Guy said.

“One can only imagine the horror felt by the family, and the ongoing horror felt by that family wondering whether the child is okay.”


“North Wollongong woman Terri Lee Ryan left Wollongong Local Court yesterday with a $1500 fine after pleading guilty to a charge of aggravated littering.


It is perhaps strange that the charge was of aggravated littering, a rather vague if not bizarre catch-all that does not adequately portray the possible impact of the act.

I don’t think that we can have any sympathy for Terri Lee Ryan, and would all agree with Magistrate Ian Guy that the maximum penalty is woefully modest considering the damage that can be done. But if Mr Guy is so concerned, we must wonder why the actual fine was only around 50% of the maximum penalty available. No doubt there were one or more factors to consider when setting a penalty, and sound reasons for that 50% reduction. What Mr guy really wants is to upgrade the severity of the offence, perhaps to have it specified in law, and then to attract a more severe penalty.

However it is done, we would surely agree with Mr Guy. Can we please consider such an increased penalty here too?


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